Do you provide DNS management? Print

  • cpanel, whm, dns, network, nameserver
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Yes, there are two primary options for managing DNS for your domains on a cPanel server:

Option 1: Running your own custom Nameservers via cPanel

cPanel/WHM provide an internal DNS management system which is further improved by running your own custom nameservers. Registering child name servers is something you would do via your domain registration provider and in most cases you will want to contact our support team to acquire a second IP address for the second nameserver. You would want to register those nameservers with the primary and secondary ip of your account ( : main ip) ( : second IP)

You would then want to add A records for dns1 and dns2 pointing to the IPs in the DNS zone for the domain. If completed via Web Host Manager is would looks as follows:

[dns1] [14400] IN [A] [main IP]
[dns2] [14400] IN [A] [second IP]

Once your DNS zones are to your liking you can update your nameservers at the registrar for each of the domains.

You can also then set these nameservers as the defaults for new accounts by logging into WHM->Basic Setup. From here set the new nameservers as the defaults at the bottom.

**This would be the recommended method for managing your dns as it is the most professional and provides the most direct control of the DNS zones.


Option 2: Using the DotBlock DNS Management Area

You can utilize our DNS management services by creating a DNS zone for your domain through the DotBlock DNS Area:

Log into your client area (, click on 'DNS' from the menu on the top. Enter the new domain name and click 'Add' to create a blank zone file. You can then select 'Manage' next to the domain where you can then add the necessary DNS records.

Detailed information regarding the creation of DNS records can be seen here:

Once all neccessary records have been created you can then point your domain to the following nameservers:

If you have any questions on DNS management please submit a ticket to [email protected]


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