Viewing articles tagged 'whm'

Additional Security Software chkrootkit chkrootkit is a shell script that examines your system's binaries for rootkit... Configuring ClamAV Scanner Overview Clam AntiVirus (ClamAV) is an antivirus software toolkit that is standard on new cPanel... cPanel and WHM Information You can find excellent documentation for cPanel/WHM on the developers' site here:... How to prevent e-mail abuse Step 1: Enable WHM's SMTP Restrictions Spammers commonly attempt to work around mail security... Recommended Security Settings Checklists Overview This section contains suggestions that you can use to quickly reference whether you use... What is cPanel/WHM? The cPanel/WHM software suite is a graphical front end for server management. It makes... How do I create a new cPanel account within the Web Host Manager? 1. On the left hand navigation of WHM scroll down to Packages, and select Add Packages. Create a... Account Migration To generate the backup (on the server you are moving the account from) 1. Login to cPanel. 2.... Do you provide DNS management? Yes, there are two primary options for managing DNS for your domains on a cPanel server: Option... How can I change the SMTP port on a cPanel server? Login to the Web Host Manager => Service Configuration => Service Manager, you'll find an... How do I run my own custom nameservers? (1) If you are you looking to use custom/child nameservers such as and... How do I enable the GD library on a cPanel server? First you will need to login to the Web Host Manager, Select Software->EasyApache If your... Where/what is the license I purchased? The license you purchased is applied upon server creation. If for some reason this is not the...
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