
Compatibility FAQ 6

Questions relating to server/ software compatibility

General DotBlock FAQ 9

Questions about DotBlock servers and services

New Signup FAQ 11

Information for new users

Potential Customer FAQ 19

Questions potential users may have


 Are management services available?

Yes, management services beyond the scope of our technical support are available at an hourly...

 How do I access my account if I no longer use the email address on file or email address belongs to someone else?

As per our terms of service, all customers are responsible for ensuring that their contact...

 How do I recover a forgotten client area password?

You can access your client area at the following...

 How do I transfer ownership of my account to another party?

If all products, services, domain registrations, etc. are to be transferred from one party to...

 What should I do if there is a dispute about the ownership of the account?

Disputes over the ownership of accounts may sometimes arise between or among multiple persons,...

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