How Does Your Client VPN Work? Print

  • vpn, client vpn, openvpn
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How does your client VPN work?

The VPN software that we utilize for this service is OpenVPN which provides a very simple software download (Windows, Mac, Linux compatible) which auto-configures to connect to our VPN server. Once a client VPN service is active, you would create VPN users from the Extras section of the client area.
Once the users have been created, you can click the Login button on the VPN package to download the OpenVPN software and your client profile. Once the OpenVPN software is installed on your computer, you can open it's task bar and import the client profile. This will allow you to quickly and easily connect to the VPN.
Once connected to our VPN, all traffic to anything within the DotBlock network would be routed through the VPN, thus allowing for secure, encrypted traffic between the servers your users need to manage and our VPN whose IP address(es) are based here in Clifton Park, NY.
Note that ONLY traffic within the DotBlock network is passed through the VPN once connected. This is not intended for use to mask your home IP address for access to other websites. Any traffic outside of our network defaults to use your primary internet connection.


Why use a VPN?

A VPN can help maintain security standards over a network. With your VPN, traffic between remote users and the private network is encrypted. A great benefit of utilizing a VPN is that the network can be accessed remotely from home or from any outside locations. For this reason, a VPN can create a virtual link between geographically distant offices and increase productivity within a company.

With our VPN service, you can create and maintain more simple and straightforward networks. The easy-to-use framework allows you to setup and configure a tunnel using an interface in our client area. DotBlock's VPN service utilizes a robust security model designed to safeguard against both active and passive attacks.

Additional information can be found here:

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