VNC, + Java issue: "Application Blocked by Security Settings" Print

  • console, vnc, java, error
  • 6

ISSUE: When attempting to access the java-based VNC applet under the VNC icon in Manage Servers you receive an Application Blocked message (Application Blocked by Security Settings)

To resolve any problems with the VNC console and java, follow these steps:

Download and install the latest java here:

Once reinstalled, completely close your browser, reopen and then visit this page which should prompt you to activate Java:

Once activated, open the java control panel.

On Windows computers this is located in Control Panel->Programs->Java
On Mac computers this is located in System Preferences -> Java

With the java control panel open go to Security->Edit Site List-> Add->Add the following sites:

Save those changes, then close out of the browser, restart it and the VNC console applet should work now.

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