How do I upload files to my Linux server?
upload, file management, ftp, ssh, cpanel, file manager
- 5
First, make sure you have a working ftp client. We recommend FileZilla.
Most Linux Distributions
Host: {your server IP}
User: root
Password: {your server's root password}
Port: 22
Host: {your server IP}
User: {cpanelusername}
Password: {cpanel password}
Port: 22 for SFTP, or 21 for regular FTP
With cPanel installations you can create custom FTP accounts through the FTP Accounts area within the control panel. Further information can be found here:
For custom created FTP accounts the credentials would be as follows:
Host: {your server IP}
User: [email protected] (replace with the custom created user account)
Password: {corresponding user password}
Port: 21
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