There are two basic steps which need to be taken to ensure audio is enabled on your Windows VPS. Before beginning this process, please ensure that you are logged into the Administrator account on your VPS, so that the changes can be propagated to all of the user accounts if applicable.
The first step in this process ensures that the sound functions inside your VPS itself, completing this step alone will not ensure that the audio will be played through your personal computer.
Steps for Windows Server 2008 and older:
- Click on the start icon and scroll to programs
- From programs, scroll down to Administrative tools
- Select Terminal Services Configuration
- Right click with your mouse on the RDP/TCP tab, and select properties.
- De-select the box labled 'Disable Audio Mapping'
- Proceed to step two in order to hear the audio through your local computer.
- Click on the start icon and type tsconfig.msc -> Enter
- Double click the connection
- Go to 'Client Settings'
- Uncheck the 'audio' checkbox
Steps for Windows Server 2012 and beyond:
- Open "Server Manager" from Start > Server Manager
- From the Server Manager, click on "Tools" in the top right of the window and then select "Services"
- On the right, scroll down to "Windows Audio" and then double-click on it. "Windows Audio Properties" will open.
- Here, change "Startup Type" to "Automatic". Next, click "Start" under that dropdown.
- Now RDP Audio is enabled on your server. Follow the next steps below to ensure that it is also enabled on your local computer.
Enable RDP Audio on your local computer:
- From you local machine, open the 'Options' menu in Remote Desktop
- Select the 'Local Resources' tab with the left mouse button
- Locate the Remote Audio area, and choose 'Settings'
- Go to 'Remote Audio Playback' and select 'Play on this computer'
- Apply the changes and your VPS and local machine are ready for audio playback!
If you need to enable a microphone from your Local computer to be used on the server, follow these steps:
1) Open the 'Remote Desktop Connection' program
2) Click 'Show Options' -> Local Resources -> Remote audio ->Settings -> Remote Audio Recording -> check Record from this computer.
Save those settings and then reconnect to Remote Desktop